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Writer's pictureCCSU THEATRE

Art: Evoking Emotion and Inspiring New Ways of Thinking

Art is a concept that encompasses visual, auditory and/or performing ideas created by an “author” to invoke an emotion, whether positive or negative, in the viewer. It isn’t always described as beautiful since beauty is subjective to each individual, but it has an emotional power behind it that is designed to be admired. It is about arranging elements that have meaning to the creator in the hope of sharing how the artist personally experiences the world.

Art is a way to express the feelings that most people are afraid to voice, as well as being a way to tap into a person’s sense of vulnerability. People expose themselves to different kinds of art, and leave themselves open to experience whatever emotions that are going to be forced on them whether it’s by a musician, actor or painter. Although art is subjective, viewers are still able to decipher the difference between a work that has the intent to be sad or one with the intent to be joyful, and then allow themselves to step into the shoes of the creator in order to understand what is being presented to them. Which in turn makes the audience emotionally vulnerable.

The purpose of art besides evoking emotions in the viewer, is to create thinking. Because it’s made to stir thought it has influences over culture and society by how it pushes norms and boundaries by being able to be used as a platform for the politically and socially disenfranchised.

A song, painting or play can be enough to spark emotions in those who encounter mistreatment; to rally together and push for a change. The human experience rarely changes and art through history has always voiced the opinion of both society and the individual person; an outspoken voice on our concerns, ideals, and visions.

An individual could be passionate about social change and justice but still need that extra push to encourage them to use their voice. Art can make that happen. Seeing a politically charged play or painting could be enough to spark them into action, to move towards the goal they want achieved. Throughout history and theatre history plays have always matched the current political climate of the country, and pushed the barriers of what people are usually too afraid to voice on their own.

We see plays that have encouraged women and people of color throughout the ages to band together and push for needed change, and lead the way to show that it is possible. An example of that would be Euripides using his platform to give women strong characters that they could use as a voice of their own.


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